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The goal of SAE2SEE WP3, Traceability Technology Development, is to build a technology infrastructure network based on blockchain. This would allow interested actors to join the network and once authenticated, they would be able to use a software platform to view, manage and share their data. The platform will be designed to provide transparency and the key partners involved in these activities are Tilkal, SmartWater and Page Up.

The main objectives of WP3 are as follows: 

Create a platform that allows for easy and clear auditability and tracing of supply chain data within the fish supply chain industry

 Create a network of partners who would share their data on the platform

 Create a data funnel (involving a mobile application and a data ingestion platform) that allows the sharing of partners’ own data into the platform, using a common technical format

 Provide a set of mobile applications with end-user perspective for viewing the supply chain of a particular product

 Test the platform on the network described above

 Create technical documentation for partners to be able to share their data easily

What have we completed so far?

 We created the first network with a couple of actors. Together, we have made the link between the platform and a mobile application that will be used to upload data into the platform. We have created scenarios for basic use-cases and shared the relevant data on the platform related to this use case. We have started working on creating technical documentation for the use of the platform.

 Next steps

In the next months, we plan to expand our network to include more actors and at the same time increase the scope of scenarios and use-cases that will be used and displayed by the platform. We also plan on consolidating and refining our technical documentation.

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