The main objective of SEA2SEE is to significantly increase consumer trust and acceptance of sustainably fished or farmed seafood in Europe through the development and demonstration of an innovative end-to-end blockchain traceability model throughout the seafood value chain and the implementation of societal and sectoral strategies for co-creation, communication and awareness raising about the benefits of sustainably fished or farmed nutritious seafood.
SEA2SEE holds significant potential to increase the consumption of sustainably fished or farmed seafood among European consumers by engaging them in providing trustworthy traceability information through participatory demonstrations of the use of web-based and digital tools.
Specific objectives of the project:
Develop a co-creation approach to sustainable seafood transparency and traceability
Leverage a set of awareness raising and educational practices to increase sustainable seafood consumption
Develop a blockchain-based platform for seafood industry-specific traceability data collection
Demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of the Sea2See blockchain model
Develop a standardized Life Cycle Assessment framework for identifying and quantifying the major sources of environmental impact
General Methodology
Constructed in 6 steps based on the 3 different dimensions featuring project activities.
Stakeholders’ engagement – practitioners and consumers engage in a co-creation process, fostering multi-stakeholder dialogue and setting a basis for social innovation.
Development and adaptation of digital traceability innovative tools, tailored to the end-users’ needs
Deployment – integrates the innovations produced throughout the lifetime of the project in 5 real-life case studies to trace 5 seafood value chains in Portugal, Greece and Spain
Replication and wide exploitation of project results – preparing the ground for the scalability and replication of Sea2See solutions and approaches, designed as close-to-market and scalable for the EU seafood sector
Wider public engagement (consumers, business companies, policy makers) and Synergies with other EU initiatives

Expected results