SEA2SEE concept is based on an interdisciplinary approach where research partners, technology solution providers and non-governmental and umbrella organizations representing end-to-end seafood value chain actors, from producers to consumers, work in cooperation towards the creation of new knowledge, specific tools, algorithms, data management processes, and engagement approaches to be deployed in real life environment. The project brings together a unique and interdisciplinary consortium, that combines a wide range of scientific disciplines, including aquaculture, fisheries, social sciences, and technology partners in the field of blockchain, digital management cloud platforms, AI modelling experts, LCA experts, as well as scientists with expertise in behavioral modelling.

SMARTWATER PLANET S.L. (SmartWater) is a Spanish technology company integrated by a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the development of technologies aimed at the aquaculture sector and water quality management.
The company’s commercial activity is focused on the implementation of technology contracts in Europe, and on the sale of AI-assisted water quality sensor platforms (Medusa), expert systems and algorithms for decision support and management software for production and traceability in aquaculture (SmartWater Cloud).
SmartWater is the coordinator of the Sea2See Project and Leader of WP4 using their profound experience in designing cloud architectures, databases and software as well as in their deployment to perform data capture, transformation, processing, storing and output.
As one of the technology companies in the Consortium, SmartWater will also participate in the traceability technologies development, and the design of the cloud architecture, databases and software as well as their deployment to perform all the processes of data capture, transformation, processing, storing and output.
Data from SmartWater Cloud, the aquaculture management software from SmartWater, will be sent and stored in the Sea2See blockchain-based traceability platform.
TILKAL is the supply chain traceability and trust platform for Industry 4.0. Tilkal combines a unique B2B blockchain network for secure and provable data sharing, with analytics and scoring algorithms to create an end-to-end, real-time representation of the supply chain.
Customers use Tilkal to answer four key questions: Where are their products? What is their sourcing risk? How do they prove their ESG commitments? How to verify and demonstrate their compliance.
Among Tilkal customers are Danone for the traceability of infant milk in China and the sourcing of plant-based milks in Europe, Daher for the traceability of conflict minerals as well as for customs compliance on raw material imports, Joone for radical transparency on cosmetics and hygiene products, and the NGO Responsible Mica Initiative for the analysis of the mica sourcing flows of 80 manufacturers in order to fight against child labor. In total, the Tilkal network is composed of more than 70 independent nodes, and nearly 700 companies use it to share data.
In SEA2SEE Tilkal leads the building of a technology infrastructure network based on blockchain that would allow any authenticated actors of the supply chain to share data with complete auditability (WP3).
PAGE UP is editor and integrator of mobility and traceability solutions for more than 20 years now. They address markets with mobility challenges such as transportation, logistics, quality control and maintenance.
PAGE UP participates in innovative projects and has developed partnerships with large companies and research laboratories. In addition, the companyoffers a range of tailor-made services: custom development, development assistance and integration of AIDC devices (barcode, RFID, IOT…).
These skills allow them, on the one hand, to effectively adapt business applications to the specificities of each client, and on the other hand, to ensure the development of custom solutions when it is necessary or requested.
In SEA2SEE PAGE UP will complement the efforts of the other technological partners, provide Software Development Kit and set of mobile applications.
SUBMON works to conserve marine biodiversity and to achieve sustainable use of the marine environment by promoting a change in the relationship between society and the sea through on-site actions and by using and transmitting knowledge.
SUBMON develops its projects mainly towards the conservation, study, and awareness of the marine environment, always with a prominent social and sustainable development character. After more than 15 years of experience, SUBMON has become an influencer stakeholder in marine conservation, nationally and internationally, to lead relevant decision-making in those processes concerning the marine environment.
In SEA2SEE SUBMON leads WP2 Consumer Engagement, co-creation and behaviour change, to raise awareness and promote a transition towards more sustainable seafood consumption.
5. The Centre of Marine Sciences of the University of Algarve (CCMAR-UALG)
The Centre of Marine Sciences of the University of Algarve (CCMAR-UALG) is one of the foremost marine science research centres in Portugal, gathering experts in the fields of marine biology, ecology, oceanography, environmental sciences, biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture. The mission of CCMAR is to understand, protect and explore the potential of marine resources through interdisciplinary research, innovation and training. Scientific fields covered are: from marine biology to biotech and biomimicry, from aquaculture to biomedical applications, and from fisheries to food sciences. CCMAR teams work in synergy on three thematic lines: 1) Understanding the drivers, responses, and tipping points in changing environments, 2) Conservation and management of marine resources, and 3) Exploring and unlocking the potential of marine resources for innovative solutions. It has been repeatedly classified as excellent by FCT (the Portuguese National Science Foundation) and ranked first among the marine science centres of Portugal. Its researchers (approx. 250) publish more than 220 articles per year, start approximately 50 funded projects per year, from diverse funding bodies., CCMAR is extremely well integrated in the network of European Research Infrastructures, and thus plays a role of hub and of service provider in a number of areas due to its equipment and facilities. In SEA2SEE the partner will coordinate the fishery value chain technology demonstration in Portugal (octopus fishery).
ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE FABRICANTES DE CONSERVAS DE PESCADOS Y MARISCOS-CENTRO TECNICO NACIONAL DE CONSERVACION DE PRODUCTOS DE LA PESCA (ANFACO-CECOPESCA) ANFACO-CECOPESCA is a private non-profit business association founded in 1904, representing and defending the sectoral interests of more than 250 companies from the marine and food industry network. It also provides high added value services through its Technology Centre, whose main objectives are to promote the quality, research and technological development in the marine and food products sector, being a reference for the development of R&D&I projects in the fields of Digitalization – Industry 4.0, Biotechnology – Health, Sustainability – Circular economy, and Marine resources – Aquaculture, generating knowledge that can be later transferred to the industrial sector, improving its competitiveness.
Our main role in SEA2SEE project is the leading of WP6, focused on Life Cycle Analysis, impact assessment and risk-benefit analysis on seafood consumption, including the evaluation of the presence of certain contaminants susceptible to be present in shellfish or fish applied to all Sea2See use cases.
IOANNA N. ARGYROU SIMBOULOI EPICHEIR ISIAKIS ANAPTYXIS ETAIREIA PERIORISMENIS EYTHYNIS (NAYS) specializes in Studies and Consulting services on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Environment and environmental licensing, Climate Change monitoring. It is also active in Marine Spatial Planning and Blue Growth in coastal, insular and offshore areas, in Regional Development and the planning of investments under the Circular Economy framework, to enhance competitiveness. In addition, it provides consulting services and conducts studies for investments in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the context of Green Development, relevant services for Alternative Tourism, Quality Assurance Systems, Marketing and specialized services for the standardization and processing of agricultural products.
«ΝΑΥS» company has been active in the aquaculture sector since 1998 and develops and utilizes its long presence being a mechanism for maximizing quality and economic growth, by integrating innovation and adopting sustainable solutions.
NAYS is a pioneer in the planning and establishment of Organized Aquaculture Development Areas (POAY) in Greece, through participatory processes and stakeholder engagement, with emphasis on optimal spatial choices with multiple synergies and investment interactions with local communities.
SEAentia is an aquaculture company based in Peniche (Portugal), which aims to produce top quality seafood in the most sustainable manner by combining novel aquaculture engineering with scientific research.
We are pioneering corvina (Argyrosomus regius) production from hatchery to commercial size in a Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS), where animal welfare is a priority. The RAS system allows us to control every parameter and avoid diseases and parasites, without using any chemicals or antibiotics, delivering a fish that meets the standards for environmental protection, transparency, biosecurity and sustainability.
In the SEA2SEE project, SEAentia will mainly be a demonstrator, providing its pilot installations to test the sensory equipment that will collect the data for the blockchain platform.
LANDING AQUACULTURE BV is an independent consultancy firm specialized in design and engineering of land-based fish farms and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The company was founded in 2014 by Rob van de Ven (MSc from Wageningen University) and Carlos A. Espinal (MSc from Universitat de Barcelona).
Landing Aquaculture offers aquacultural engineering and consultancy services, aquaculture equipment design and manufacturing, and is active in research and development of novel aquaculture production technologies, aquaculture water treatment and circular economy applied to aquaculture.
In Sea2See, Landing aquaculture will demonstrate, along with Seaentia, how IoT technology can be used in indoor recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) to provide traceability information of the farming environment and the fish farming process. Landing aquaculture will also support the project during stakeholder engagement and assessing the state of traceability practices and technologies in aquaculture.
10. University of Aveiro (UAVR)
University of Aveiro (UAVR), created in 1973, is one of the top and most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. The mission of UAVR is to provide under- and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society. The UAVR integrates (since 1998) the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), a leading international cluster of research-intensive universities, with a collective emphasis on innovation, creativity, and societal impact driving the development of a knowledge-based economy. Each member institution shares a number of distinctive characteristics with a strong commitment to innovation and applied research, with close links to industry partners.
The Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) is a Research Unit of the UAVR with the status of Associated Laboratory (since 2005) and evaluated with the highest grade of Excellent by the Foundation for Science and Technology (since 2014). The mission of CESAM is to develop leading international research on environmental and marine sciences, following a multi-actor and multisectoral approach, promoting scientific knowledge and the connection between science and policies. CESAM work is framed into 4 multidisciplinary thematic lines: (1) Ecology & Functional Biodiversity, (2) Environment & Health, (3) Marine Ecosystems & Resources; and (4) Integrated Environmental Systems. CESAM stands out due to its transdisciplinary research character and the promotion of international collaboration, gathering ca. 500 members (240 PhD) with knowledge and expertise on fundamental and applied research in the natural and social sciences, which is a unique asset in an Associated Laboratory in Portugal. CESAM aims to promote a more efficient use of terrestrial and aquatic (from catchment to the deep sea) environmental resources, a more competitive, resilient and sustainable economy, and advanced training (graduate & postgraduate), designed to endorse highly qualified job creation and assure territorial and social cohesion.
In SEA2SEE, the partner is involved in the preparatory steps to ensure effective stakeholders’ engagement (leading WP1) paving the way for the intervention with different seafood value chain actors.
VITAGORA is a food innovation cluster and professional association based in Dijon. Created in 2005, Vitagora provides support for the agri-food industry.
A major food innovation player in Europe, Vitagora facilitates a dynamic innovation ecosystem of 650 members – start-ups, food and health businesses, public and private research in France and throughout the world, and international partners. These members collaborate on joint actions and R&D projects developing food products and services and integrating new food markets around the world.
As an international innovation cluster, Vitagora is involved in the set-up and follow-up of EU-projects for Vitagora as a partner and as WP/task leader. Vitagora has expertise and an important role in the dissemination and communication of the agrifood trends and scientific advances and information related to national and international projects. Vitagora is currently involved in 3 H2020, 2 Horizon Europe and 2 COSME projects in leading tasks related to market trends, communication and dissemination activities, event organization as well as stakeholder engagement strategy. Vitagora’s skills include the use of different channels and communication tools, social media management, organization of workshops, webinars and events.
The projects in which Vitagora is involved cover a variety of topics related to the agri-food sector and to sustainable, healthy and innovative solutions: reduction of pesticides, the effect of sweetener blends on the consumer health, seafood traceability, bioeconomy and so on.
In SEA2SEE VITAGORA is responsible for helping the consortium with the creation of the stakeholders’ engagement strategy and synergy opportunities.
12. Ethic Ocean
Ethic Ocean is an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the ocean and its precious resources. Its mission is to mobilize the different seafood value chain actors (fishermen, fish farmers, wholesalers, retailers, fishmongers and chefs) by supporting them in the implementation of sustainable practices.
Among the panel of resources and tools developed by Ethic Ocean, the “Species Guide” for seafood buyers is considered to be a key reference tool and the main guidance document for the seafood industry players in France and Belgium. The guide helps them to select seafood from sustainable sources. The content is based on the most relevant and recent scientific data and is updated on an annual basis.
Due to increasing consumer concerns over seafood consumption and sustainability, a mobile application has been created for the general public. It is based on the guide content and it supports the consumers in making ocean-friendly seafood choices.
In SEA2SEE Ethic Ocean plays an active role in the project stakeholders’ engagement, the mobilization of the different seafood value chain actors, including the end consumers, the coordination between the project partners, the participating stakeholders and the different actors of the seafood value chain in order to enable a strong and efficient collaboration and in the promotion of the project and the dissemination of its results to the stakeholders and the general public.
EUROPROJECT (EP) is a consulting company based in Sofia (Bulgaria), part of Warrant Hub S.p.A., subsidiary of the Italian group TINЕXTA. It is highly specialized in the setting-up and management of innovative EU projects in the technological research and development domain. EP has become а recognized innovation support partner by also providing professional expertise in communication, dissemination and exploitation, IPR, business planning and EU trainings, all of which are crucial cornerstones of cutting-edge European projects. It works with large industry, research institutes, universities, public bodies, SMEs, and NGOs from all over Europe under Horizon Europe, LIFE and Erasmus + programs and its portfolio includes more than 30 past and current EU projects.
In SEA2SEE, EP is the leader of the Communication, Dissemination and Outreach work package, ensuring maximum project visibility, public acceptance, and distribution of results once they start becoming available. In addition to establishing the project’s communication channels and tools, EP will develop the C&D Plan, implement the associated C&D campaigns with project partners, help establish and expand a network of relevant other projects, programs and initiatives for cross-communication and cooperation on the project’s outcomes. Additionally, EP is responsible for supporting the Coordinator in the project management activities.
ANP – ASSOCIACAO NATUREZA PORTUGAL (ANP|WWF) works in association with WWF International and continues the work that has been ongoing in the national territory since 1990 by WWF Mediterranean.
ANP|WWF operates in 6 practices: oceans and fisheries, forests, wildlife, food, freshwater, climate, and energy, through several conservation projects and policy work.
WWF is one of the world’s largest independent non-governmental nature conservation organizations, with more than 5 million members globally and active offices in more than 120 countries.
WWF’s mission is to stop environmental degradation and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and waste.
In SEA2SEE the partner will be involved in stakeholders’ engagement and demonstration activities.
SEA2SEE concept is based on an interdisciplinary approach where research partners, technology solution providers and non-governmental and umbrella organizations representing end-to-end seafood value chain actors, from producers to consumers, work in cooperation towards the creation of new knowledge, specific tools, algorithms, data management processes, and engagement approaches to be deployed in real life environment. The project brings together a unique and interdisciplinary consortium, that combines a wide range of scientific disciplines, including aquaculture, fisheries, social sciences, and technology partners in the field of blockchain, digital management cloud platforms, AI modelling experts, LCA experts, as well as scientists with expertise in behavioral modelling.

SMARTWATER PLANET S.L. (SmartWater) is a Spanish technology company integrated by a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the development of technologies aimed at the aquaculture sector and water quality management.
The company’s commercial activity is focused on the implementation of technology contracts in Europe, and on the sale of AI-assisted water quality sensor platforms (Medusa), expert systems and algorithms for decision support and management software for production and traceability in aquaculture (SmartWater Cloud).
SmartWater is the coordinator of the Sea2See Project and Leader of WP4 using their profound experience in designing cloud architectures, databases and software as well as in their deployment to perform data capture, transformation, processing, storing and output.
As one of the technology companies in the Consortium, SmartWater will also participate in the traceability technologies development, and the design of the cloud architecture, databases and software as well as their deployment to perform all the processes of data capture, transformation, processing, storing and output.
Data from SmartWater Cloud, the aquaculture management software from SmartWater, will be sent and stored in the Sea2See blockchain-based traceability platform.
TILKAL is the supply chain traceability and trust platform for Industry 4.0. Tilkal combines a unique B2B blockchain network for secure and provable data sharing, with analytics and scoring algorithms to create an end-to-end, real-time representation of the supply chain.
Customers use Tilkal to answer four key questions: Where are their products? What is their sourcing risk? How do they prove their ESG commitments? How to verify and demonstrate their compliance.
Among Tilkal customers are Danone for the traceability of infant milk in China and the sourcing of plant-based milks in Europe, Daher for the traceability of conflict minerals as well as for customs compliance on raw material imports, Joone for radical transparency on cosmetics and hygiene products, and the NGO Responsible Mica Initiative for the analysis of the mica sourcing flows of 80 manufacturers in order to fight against child labor. In total, the Tilkal network is composed of more than 70 independent nodes, and nearly 700 companies use it to share data.
In SEA2SEE Tilkal leads the building of a technology infrastructure network based on blockchain that would allow any authenticated actors of the supply chain to share data with complete auditability (WP3).
PAGE UP is editor and integrator of mobility and traceability solutions for more than 20 years now. They address markets with mobility challenges such as transportation, logistics, quality control and maintenance.
PAGE UP participates in innovative projects and has developed partnerships with large companies and research laboratories. In addition, the companyoffers a range of tailor-made services: custom development, development assistance and integration of AIDC devices (barcode, RFID, IOT…).
These skills allow them, on the one hand, to effectively adapt business applications to the specificities of each client, and on the other hand, to ensure the development of custom solutions when it is necessary or requested.
In SEA2SEE PAGE UP will complement the efforts of the other technological partners, provide Software Development Kit and set of mobile applications.
SUBMON works to conserve marine biodiversity and to achieve sustainable use of the marine environment by promoting a change in the relationship between society and the sea through on-site actions and by using and transmitting knowledge.
SUBMON develops its projects mainly towards the conservation, study, and awareness of the marine environment, always with a prominent social and sustainable development character. After more than 15 years of experience, SUBMON has become an influencer stakeholder in marine conservation, nationally and internationally, to lead relevant decision-making in those processes concerning the marine environment.
In SEA2SEE SUBMON leads WP2 Consumer Engagement, co-creation and behaviour change, to raise awareness and promote a transition towards more sustainable seafood consumption.
5. The Centre of Marine Sciences of the University of Algarve (CCMAR-UALG)
The Centre of Marine Sciences of the University of Algarve (CCMAR-UALG) is one of the foremost marine science research centres in Portugal, gathering experts in the fields of marine biology, ecology, oceanography, environmental sciences, biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture. The mission of CCMAR is to understand, protect and explore the potential of marine resources through interdisciplinary research, innovation and training. Scientific fields covered are: from marine biology to biotech and biomimicry, from aquaculture to biomedical applications, and from fisheries to food sciences. CCMAR teams work in synergy on three thematic lines: 1) Understanding the drivers, responses, and tipping points in changing environments, 2) Conservation and management of marine resources, and 3) Exploring and unlocking the potential of marine resources for innovative solutions. It has been repeatedly classified as excellent by FCT (the Portuguese National Science Foundation) and ranked first among the marine science centres of Portugal. Its researchers (approx. 250) publish more than 220 articles per year, start approximately 50 funded projects per year, from diverse funding bodies., CCMAR is extremely well integrated in the network of European Research Infrastructures, and thus plays a role of hub and of service provider in a number of areas due to its equipment and facilities. In SEA2SEE the partner will coordinate the fishery value chain technology demonstration in Portugal (octopus fishery).
ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE FABRICANTES DE CONSERVAS DE PESCADOS Y MARISCOS-CENTRO TECNICO NACIONAL DE CONSERVACION DE PRODUCTOS DE LA PESCA (ANFACO-CECOPESCA) ANFACO-CECOPESCA is a private non-profit business association founded in 1904, representing and defending the sectoral interests of more than 250 companies from the marine and food industry network. It also provides high added value services through its Technology Centre, whose main objectives are to promote the quality, research and technological development in the marine and food products sector, being a reference for the development of R&D&I projects in the fields of Digitalization – Industry 4.0, Biotechnology – Health, Sustainability – Circular economy, and Marine resources – Aquaculture, generating knowledge that can be later transferred to the industrial sector, improving its competitiveness.
Our main role in SEA2SEE project is the leading of WP6, focused on Life Cycle Analysis, impact assessment and risk-benefit analysis on seafood consumption, including the evaluation of the presence of certain contaminants susceptible to be present in shellfish or fish applied to all Sea2See use cases.
IOANNA N. ARGYROU SIMBOULOI EPICHEIR ISIAKIS ANAPTYXIS ETAIREIA PERIORISMENIS EYTHYNIS (NAYS) specializes in Studies and Consulting services on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Environment and environmental licensing, Climate Change monitoring. It is also active in Marine Spatial Planning and Blue Growth in coastal, insular and offshore areas, in Regional Development and the planning of investments under the Circular Economy framework, to enhance competitiveness. In addition, it provides consulting services and conducts studies for investments in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the context of Green Development, relevant services for Alternative Tourism, Quality Assurance Systems, Marketing and specialized services for the standardization and processing of agricultural products.
«ΝΑΥS» company has been active in the aquaculture sector since 1998 and develops and utilizes its long presence being a mechanism for maximizing quality and economic growth, by integrating innovation and adopting sustainable solutions.
NAYS is a pioneer in the planning and establishment of Organized Aquaculture Development Areas (POAY) in Greece, through participatory processes and stakeholder engagement, with emphasis on optimal spatial choices with multiple synergies and investment interactions with local communities.
SEAentia is an aquaculture company based in Peniche (Portugal), which aims to produce top quality seafood in the most sustainable manner by combining novel aquaculture engineering with scientific research.
We are pioneering corvina (Argyrosomus regius) production from hatchery to commercial size in a Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS), where animal welfare is a priority. The RAS system allows us to control every parameter and avoid diseases and parasites, without using any chemicals or antibiotics, delivering a fish that meets the standards for environmental protection, transparency, biosecurity and sustainability.
In the SEA2SEE project, SEAentia will mainly be a demonstrator, providing its pilot installations to test the sensory equipment that will collect the data for the blockchain platform.
LANDING AQUACULTURE BV is an independent consultancy firm specialized in design and engineering of land-based fish farms and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The company was founded in 2014 by Rob van de Ven (MSc from Wageningen University) and Carlos A. Espinal (MSc from Universitat de Barcelona).
Landing Aquaculture offers aquacultural engineering and consultancy services, aquaculture equipment design and manufacturing, and is active in research and development of novel aquaculture production technologies, aquaculture water treatment and circular economy applied to aquaculture.
In Sea2See, Landing aquaculture will demonstrate, along with Seaentia, how IoT technology can be used in indoor recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) to provide traceability information of the farming environment and the fish farming process. Landing aquaculture will also support the project during stakeholder engagement and assessing the state of traceability practices and technologies in aquaculture.
10. University of Aveiro (UAVR)
University of Aveiro (UAVR), created in 1973, is one of the top and most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. The mission of UAVR is to provide under- and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society. The UAVR integrates (since 1998) the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), a leading international cluster of research-intensive universities, with a collective emphasis on innovation, creativity, and societal impact driving the development of a knowledge-based economy. Each member institution shares a number of distinctive characteristics with a strong commitment to innovation and applied research, with close links to industry partners.
The Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) is a Research Unit of the UAVR with the status of Associated Laboratory (since 2005) and evaluated with the highest grade of Excellent by the Foundation for Science and Technology (since 2014). The mission of CESAM is to develop leading international research on environmental and marine sciences, following a multi-actor and multisectoral approach, promoting scientific knowledge and the connection between science and policies. CESAM work is framed into 4 multidisciplinary thematic lines: (1) Ecology & Functional Biodiversity, (2) Environment & Health, (3) Marine Ecosystems & Resources; and (4) Integrated Environmental Systems. CESAM stands out due to its transdisciplinary research character and the promotion of international collaboration, gathering ca. 500 members (240 PhD) with knowledge and expertise on fundamental and applied research in the natural and social sciences, which is a unique asset in an Associated Laboratory in Portugal. CESAM aims to promote a more efficient use of terrestrial and aquatic (from catchment to the deep sea) environmental resources, a more competitive, resilient and sustainable economy, and advanced training (graduate & postgraduate), designed to endorse highly qualified job creation and assure territorial and social cohesion.
In SEA2SEE, the partner is involved in the preparatory steps to ensure effective stakeholders’ engagement (leading WP1) paving the way for the intervention with different seafood value chain actors.
VITAGORA is a food innovation cluster and professional association based in Dijon. Created in 2005, Vitagora provides support for the agri-food industry.
A major food innovation player in Europe, Vitagora facilitates a dynamic innovation ecosystem of 650 members – start-ups, food and health businesses, public and private research in France and throughout the world, and international partners. These members collaborate on joint actions and R&D projects developing food products and services and integrating new food markets around the world.
As an international innovation cluster, Vitagora is involved in the set-up and follow-up of EU-projects for Vitagora as a partner and as WP/task leader. Vitagora has expertise and an important role in the dissemination and communication of the agrifood trends and scientific advances and information related to national and international projects. Vitagora is currently involved in 3 H2020, 2 Horizon Europe and 2 COSME projects in leading tasks related to market trends, communication and dissemination activities, event organization as well as stakeholder engagement strategy. Vitagora’s skills include the use of different channels and communication tools, social media management, organization of workshops, webinars and events.
The projects in which Vitagora is involved cover a variety of topics related to the agri-food sector and to sustainable, healthy and innovative solutions: reduction of pesticides, the effect of sweetener blends on the consumer health, seafood traceability, bioeconomy and so on.
In SEA2SEE VITAGORA is responsible for helping the consortium with the creation of the stakeholders’ engagement strategy and synergy opportunities.
12. Ethic Ocean
Ethic Ocean is an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the ocean and its precious resources. Its mission is to mobilize the different seafood value chain actors (fishermen, fish farmers, wholesalers, retailers, fishmongers and chefs) by supporting them in the implementation of sustainable practices.
Among the panel of resources and tools developed by Ethic Ocean, the “Species Guide” for seafood buyers is considered to be a key reference tool and the main guidance document for the seafood industry players in France and Belgium. The guide helps them to select seafood from sustainable sources. The content is based on the most relevant and recent scientific data and is updated on an annual basis.
Due to increasing consumer concerns over seafood consumption and sustainability, a mobile application has been created for the general public. It is based on the guide content and it supports the consumers in making ocean-friendly seafood choices.
In SEA2SEE Ethic Ocean plays an active role in the project stakeholders’ engagement, the mobilization of the different seafood value chain actors, including the end consumers, the coordination between the project partners, the participating stakeholders and the different actors of the seafood value chain in order to enable a strong and efficient collaboration and in the promotion of the project and the dissemination of its results to the stakeholders and the general public.
EUROPROJECT (EP) is a consulting company based in Sofia (Bulgaria), part of Warrant Hub S.p.A., subsidiary of the Italian group TINЕXTA. It is highly specialized in the setting-up and management of innovative EU projects in the technological research and development domain. EP has become а recognized innovation support partner by also providing professional expertise in communication, dissemination and exploitation, IPR, business planning and EU trainings, all of which are crucial cornerstones of cutting-edge European projects. It works with large industry, research institutes, universities, public bodies, SMEs, and NGOs from all over Europe under Horizon Europe, LIFE and Erasmus + programs and its portfolio includes more than 30 past and current EU projects.
In SEA2SEE, EP is the leader of the Communication, Dissemination and Outreach work package, ensuring maximum project visibility, public acceptance, and distribution of results once they start becoming available. In addition to establishing the project’s communication channels and tools, EP will develop the C&D Plan, implement the associated C&D campaigns with project partners, help establish and expand a network of relevant other projects, programs and initiatives for cross-communication and cooperation on the project’s outcomes. Additionally, EP is responsible for supporting the Coordinator in the project management activities.
ANP – ASSOCIACAO NATUREZA PORTUGAL (ANP|WWF) works in association with WWF International and continues the work that has been ongoing in the national territory since 1990 by WWF Mediterranean.
ANP|WWF operates in 6 practices: oceans and fisheries, forests, wildlife, food, freshwater, climate, and energy, through several conservation projects and policy work.
WWF is one of the world’s largest independent non-governmental nature conservation organizations, with more than 5 million members globally and active offices in more than 120 countries.
WWF’s mission is to stop environmental degradation and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and waste.
In SEA2SEE the partner will be involved in stakeholders’ engagement and demonstration activities.
FishEUTrust aims to defragment the current food system to ensure sustainability and deliver solutions for a transparent and traceable seafood supply chain. The innovation at the heart of FishEUTrust is integrating different actors into a digital platform that links technology providers, supply chain stakeholders, policymakers, and consumers. The project will also develop tools to maximize trust by guaranteeing the quality, safety, and traceability of seafood products, which will be integrated into a single digital FishEUTrust data platform that will use the latest developments in AI, data science, and human-computer interactions.
WATSON is an ambitious Horizon Europe project aiming to develop a methodological framework combined with a set of tools and systems that will detect and prevent food fraud throughout the whole food chain, thus accelerating the deployment of transparency solutions in the EU food systems.
ALLIANCE aims to provide a holistic framework that safeguards data integrity and veracity, enhances traceability and transparency, and reinforces interoperability in the quality-labeled food supply chain through innovative technology solutions and validated approaches that foster evidence-based decision-making.
THEROS is project that aims to implement an integrated toolbox being capable to modernise the process of verifying organic and geographical indications food products and preventing adulterations and non-compliances, through the use of various technological innovations and data sources, while demonstrating enhanced security, transparency and interoperability in the quality labelled food supply chain. THEROS toolbox components will be extensively evaluated in real-life settings through four pilot demonstrations in four different countries while covering diverse requirements, involvement of all relevant actors, and different organic/geographical indication food products and fraud/adulteration cases.
CUES addresses the urgent need for a more sustainable food system that benefits the environment, society, and the economy. The project aims to foster a Triple Change in the food system concerning culture, food value chain, and policy. To this end, CUES will pilot nine food system interventions and policy dialogues, actively involving consumers, food value chain actors, and policymakers. A learning community and toolkits for behavioural change and communication will be developed to motivate 3 million consumers to make sustainable food choices.
TITAN project will provide an extensive platform for the development of innovations that aid transparency and address societal/planetary health, to make the food system fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly, supported by cross-cutting activities dedicated to stakeholder interests, implementation of digital technologies, policy recommendations, business support, management and communication, and dissemination. TITAN will develop innovative solutions, including DNA-based detection methods, Blockchain, AI, and the Internet of Things, to enhance transparency in agri-food businesses, improve food choices by providing more transparent information to the consumer, enhance food safety and authenticity of products, and provide improved information on health and sustainability of food products.
TealHelix aims to promote food sustainability by empowering consumers with tailored and inclusive strategies. By combining motivational matching with personalized interventions, the project seeks to improve decision-making and overcome resistance to sustainable choices. Through life cycle analysis and consumer behavior insights, TealHelix will develop and test innovative labeling strategies and digital solutions across six pilot countries, leveraging expertise in marketing, psychology, data science, and AI-driven innovations to enhance food labeling transparency and impact.